our consultants help you Maintain control of your future

From strategy through implementation, Semaphore leads retailers to the forefront of the retail renaissance, adapting the business to meet consumers where they are today, and greeting the consumers where they will be tomorrow.

it strategy

A major challenge facing retailers is knowing how to leverage their current ecosystem to adapt and predict consumer demands in an increasingly phygital world. As if that wasn’t hard enough, enterprises also face internal challenges when building cross-departmental initiatives. 

Semaphore consultants understand these challenges and have the tools needed to help retailers identify, develop, and validate IT strategies that are desirable, feasible, and viable. We leverage close collaboration, POC, framework, and roadmap development to maximize the outcomes of our client’s long-term and short-term initiatives. 

system analysis & design

The most effective systems solve for immediate needs and long term impact. They stem from a deep understanding of organizational and end user goals, needs, and objectives.

Semaphore helps organizations define their “as is” and “to be” through detailed gap analyses that involve all business units and end-users. We strategically elicit and communicate system requirements and design in each unit’s language and terminology, ensuring that business partners and IT departments are aligned on sustainable, value-generating future state solutions that scale.

system selection

With so many vendors on the market, it can be challenging to discern which enterprise systems meet the requirements of each business unit.

Semaphore has deep industry knowledge gained from working with a range of prominent brands. At each system selection phase, we anticipate potential issues and identify areas of complexity. This results in extensive RFPs, detailed vendor evaluations, and clear-cut personalized recommendations that enable clients to meet their current and future organizational needs.

Agile project management

Whether technical or non-technical, a complex project requires an agile approach that allows businesses to shift with their customer’s needs.

Semaphore will help your organization define and tailor an agile framework best suited to your environment and guide you in its development, implementation, and long-term growth. We draw on our software development and agile backgrounds to help businesses navigate the nuanced decisions that impact project outcomes and ensure the most value for your customers and your team.

Our management consultants have diverse expertise and are ready to work with you in any of the following roles:

  • Business Analyst
  • Technical Analyst
  • Quality Assurance Analyst
  • Scrum Master
  • Project Manager
  • Program Manager
  • Developer
  • Product Owner
  • Product Manager

Reach out to us to get started

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